Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mama to Mama: Caps to Cap

So, Mama to Mama. Haiti is crazily poor and needs help in more ways than can be counted. It's almost so bad that to even think about helping is to despair at the futility. But we can't just get sucked into that state of mind, so people are doing stuff. Amanda at is. She's set up a program to gather infant caps to help keep poor Haitian babies warm. My son was given a couple of these at the hospital and my daughter (born at home) had them too. The heads of infants leak heat like crazy.

So something that's great about this is that you can download the pattern and make caps to save the lives of infants while recyling your ratty old T-shirts. Double win! A couple months ago, Cathy recyled one of my ratty old shirts into underwear. This project is easier. And better.

But hurry! They need the caps in Maine by 10 December, 2008 for the first batch.

They're also looking for receiving blankets. All kinds of opportunities to do good here.

Let us know if you do this and maybe we'll post some pictures when we get ours done.

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